You want to be part of the show?
Entries are Now Open
The Macarthur Monologue Competition provides the opportunity for playwrights and actors to present their original and pre-existing work in one night of competition on the stage at the Town Hall Theatre in front of an audience and guest judges. With categories for children up to adults, there will be one night for rehearsal and one for performance. The event will attract an audience of up to two hundred people and approximately thirty performers (monologues 2-3 mins each).
Entry to the competition is open to all members of the Macarthur community (Campbelltown, Camden & Wollondilly LGAs), ages 8+. Participants are invited to present a monologue (solo performance), 2-3 minutes in duration to a panel of judges on Tuesday 25th July 2023 to invited judges.
Categories and Prizes
*Highly Commended will be awarded at the judge's discretion
Junior (Ages 8-12) – 1st Place $100, Highly Commended $50
Senior (Ages 13-17) – 1st Place $150, Highly Commended $100
Adult 18+ - 1st Place $300, Highly Commended $100
Best Original Script - $100
Come see the show
We are thrilled to announce ‘A Night on the Town Monologue Competition Macarthur’ that is being held as a part of The Festival of Place, an initiative of the Create NSW.
The competition is being held to provide ​the opportunity for playwrights and actors to present their original and pre-existing work. This is a community-building event, hosted by Campbelltown Theatre Group Inc.
Competition night is on:
Tuesday 25th July, 2023
Town Hall Theatre, Queen Street Campbelltown NSW
Entry is by gold coin donation
For further information contact Chris at ctgi.production@gmail.com or mob: 0405013357